Welcome! Hippie skirts and Harleys essentially explains my life. I am the hippie mom who likes to do a lot of things the natural way, and hippie skirts tend to be my favorite wardrobe item. Harleys is pretty self explanatory. My husband and I love to get on the bike and just go. Some people would consider us strange, but we're just us...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Storage Solutions

Do you have any storage solutions? Because I surely don't. Not totally true, but I definitely need more! I really don't know if it is possible to have enough storage. When you think about it, there is always something else that needs to find a place. I love my house. It is just a basic ranch style house, but I have a huge living room, 2 bathrooms, 3 nice size bedrooms, and a laundry room on the main floor (only floor, but my last house had a basement and I was so sick of stairs!). The biggest problem besides my small kitchen and close neighbors (topic for a later day) is that I have no storage!

My kitchen cupboards are definitely to capacity, my hall closet is a joke, we need the bedroom closets for bedroom things, and there is not another closet in the house. I desperately need closets!

<---I wish!

I have a small cupboard in the living room that I am now keeping fabric in. It is too small. I need a large wardrobe. Better yet, I think Grizzly should build cabinets along one wall of my living room. I think it is a great idea! I have a really big (huge) window that would look great with a built in window seat with cupboards in the bottom. Plus shelves/cabinets/something on the sides of the window, floor to ceiling!

Sadly, this would probably only fix my fabric storage solution. It would be a great start though! In the meantime, because Grizzly has a long to do list, I have scavenged the house looking for more options. I have the small cupboard, and I am cleaning a rubbermaid plastic drawer set to add to it. It isn't a lot of space, but it will help get the boxes out of my living room.

I am also scouring craigslist looking for something that I could refinish to be moderately attractive, yet functionally hold my crafts supplies. Hopefully I find something!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Have you ever taken part in a co-op? They can be fantastic, or they can make you want to beat your head against a wall. There is no denying that the prices are great, but the waiting is what kills me. Realistically, I have not had to wait very long, but I want it! I am currently a part of a dozen couple of co-ops. I am still fairly new to them, and would not consider taking on the responsibility of running one, but this is what I have learned so far:

1. A very patient and industrious person decides to contact a company and start a co-op for a particular item. We'll say fabric for examples sake.
2. This person then finds others to join the co-op, enticing them with a great price on the fabric.
3. People hem and haw over making a purchase, which drags out the ordering process for everyone.
4. Waiting...
5. They eventually decide to join in.
6. The co-op will now rapidly fill up, because the people who joined in the beginning are getting antsy for their stuff. The ultimatum end date is given.
7. The order is finally placed.
8. Waiting...
9. More waiting...
10. Tracking number!
11. Waiting...
12. The co-op runner person (totally official term) finally gets the fabric and we all do a happy dance.
13. Now their work begins, and it's time to cut and ship the fabric to all of us hungry fabric junkies.
14. Waiting again...
15. Painful waiting...
16. Serious torture here!
17. It's here!

Can you understand my frustration here? In the end it is definitely worth it for the deal. It is just torture to get it!

Monday, March 28, 2011

GCDC Set-backs & Progress

I have made great strides in getting things together for the Great Cloth Diaper Change today. I am, however, seriously annoyed that our location won't count in the total unless we have 25 participants. Pout. The race is on to convert as many people as I can and dig out anyone who already uses cloth. One of the big reasons I decided to host was that there was a giant hole on the map. The closest location was 120+ miles away. Too far for me. Now there is a location in Traverse City and one in Saginaw. Pout again. Of course, an hour is still really far for one diaper change. Hopefully at least one person is glad we have a Grayling location, that would make it worthwhile (mostly).

My mom was gracious enough to offer her flyer-making skills (Thanks mom!). The downloadable flyer from the organization was BORING! not quite what I envisioned. I am really hoping we can draw some people in simply for education purposes. We will have a bunch of different types of cloth diapers there so people can actually see them. I don't think people know how much they have evolved. I truly believe that cloth could help people.

My mom also had the awesome idea to do a giveaway. Yay for giveaways! I'll be making a diaper and matching wipe set for a prize. Added bonus: if participants pre-register, they get an extra chance to win. I love freebies, so I may find some extra door prizes too. If I find the time, I'll attempt to have some wetbags ready.

Mom was also super helpful in spending my money figuring out what I would need to make all the extra diapers. Yes, that means material shopping! I legitimately do not have any gender neutral or boy prints, so I had to order some. I also didn't have large enough pieces of material to make wetbags. I just love when I am forced to order cute prints and squishy bamboo. I do have a big order of fabric coming from a co-op, but I just can't wait. Besides, it will not go to waste. After figuring out everything I needed to make, I will still need more.

My goal is to have a diaper for every participant to borrow if they need one. I am hoping for 25 participants (so we can be counted), so I have a lot of work to do!

Friday, March 25, 2011


This was my first diaper for the day. I am getting closer to my design, still not there though. This might take a while. I do love the little snowflake butt. This is not my point, so moving on...

Later, Britches was wearing her Zeppelin and Guns 'N Roses diapers. My little girl rocks, hehe. She WILL know the classics, just like Tater. Anyway, onto my thought process from tonight. Both of those diapers are made out of t-shirts. T-shirts... Wheels are grinding! Grizzly has a million and one shirts that don't fit around his... Arms, we'll go with arms. So I could chop up the ones with fun designs for diapers. At least the child appropriate designs. I have been scavenging for materials around the house already, so this works great.

Next thought process... A friend of mine found out she is having a little boy today. Which is awesome for her and her hubby. Another friend mentioned that preggo friend would really like a Beatles diaper. I looked at some material, but wasn't thrilled. I am getting one yard of fabric I liked, but I didn't feel the "Aha!" moment. The search continued. Britches was dream-nursing, so I had some internet time to kill. Then it dawned on me (again), t-shirts! Google to the rescue and I found a bunch of shirts I loved with The Beatles on them. Most were a touch too expensive, but then I found one that I think I can make work.

Of course I had to test this theory, so I dove into the closet. I didn't find the shirts I had in mind, but I found one with roughly the right dimensions. So what was a t-shirt a couple hours ago, is now a diaper. I can't wait to try it on Britches! I would mostly call it a success. It's ugly, at least the finishing work is, but it works!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cloth Diaper Prototype

I dove into diaper making today, head first. I had some fleece that looked lonely, and I needed to figure out just how I wanted to make our new diapers. My fleece found a purpose. I didn't want to waste the precious little PUL (waterproof part of a diaper) I have on hand, so fleece is the perfect stand in. It is not waterproof, but will work in a pinch. Luckily I had enough other random fabrics on hand to make a prototype. That's one of the benefits of cloth diapering. You realize that, in a pinch, anything can be a diaper. And yes, I mean anything...

I still cannot find a pattern I like, so I made my own. I drew a diaper like shape on the inside of a cut up grocery bag to start with. It isn't glamorous, but it works. I cut out my pattern in a painfully slow manner. It will be much quicker for future versions, but figuring it out as you go along tends to take a bit longer. It would also be quicker working without help from the kiddos. Nap time is my friend.

Putting it together took a little brainpower. This seam goes here, that elastic goes through there... It's a big puzzle! Broken down into steps, it really wasn't that bad. I just have to remind myself to take it one piece at a time. It would be easier if I had 10 hands, then I could attack it from every angle. My 2 will just have to do, at least until they invent detachable robot arms that know how to sew.

I did enjoy playing with my new snap pliers. However, I will definitely be buying a press in the very near future. The pliers are certainly adequate for most purposes, but I want the heavier duty. Mostly, I just want them, but I can totally justify it.

Once I was finished playing with my toys assembling the diaper, I tried it on Britches. To my utter shock, it fit! There will be plenty of tweaking to the next generation (which is already cut out, pinned, and waiting on my cutting mat), but it is functional. I fully expected a backwards, twisted mess. Functional is a nice surprise. The fleece did wick after a while, but that is just the nature of the fabric. I can't wait until the rest of my diaper fabrics come in!

I am by no means a seamstress, but tonight's experiment was a success.

The Great Cloth Diaper Change

In addition to my many spinning plates, I think I'll be adding one more. The Great Cloth Diaper Change is an awesome event happening on Earth Day this year, April 23rd. We will be trying to raise awareness about cloth diapering by setting the world record for the most cloth diapers changed at one time.
Earth Day is so fitting for this event. Cloth diapers are so much better for the environment. I have heard from several places that each disposable diaper sits in a landfill for 300+ years! Not even bringing the 3 Cs into it (cost, chemicals, and cuteness), that is a great reason to use cloth.

I have been stalking their website hoping that a location would pop up within 100 miles of me, no such luck. I mentioned a road trip to my mom, but she asked why I didn't just host one. Hmmm... Well I have thought about it, just not in an "I'm actually going to do this" kind of way. It is a fantastic cause, it would be great exposure to cloth diapering in general, and it might help someone in our middle-of-nowhere area learn that it's not about plastic pants, pins, and stinky pails any more. It does make sense. Even my mother, who keeps up on this kind of thing, had no idea what cloth diapers had evolved to. I love getting converts too. Partially because it is painful to hear about bleeding rashes, or the young couple who is struggling financially. I want to scream "Cloth is your solution!" But I nicely offer information and smile and nod when they respond with, "That's gross, I want easy diapers." Grrr. They are not gross, I have had fewer blowouts with cloth than with disposable. They are so easy too! It is no harder to put a cloth diaper on than a disposable.

But I digress...

I think she may have convinced me to do it. I still reserve the right to back out. It is a lot of work, and the timing is a little too soon. I really think I can make it work though. My mom, being as she is seriously resourceful, even suggested using the Nature Center. (This is the sound of my palm slapping my forehead) That is perfect! Cloth diapering is part of an environmental program, so we should be able to use it for free. She will help me and I am sure I can find a few others too, because all kinds of official world record paper work is involved with registering every participant. It is doable though.

Stay tuned to see how this one progresses...

If you use cloth or are interested in information about it, keep Earth Day open.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Operation: Nursery

Operation: Nursery made major strides yesterday. I went back and forth, and forth and back, and nearly scrapped the whole project, but I bit the bullet and made a final decision. We stuck with princesses. Not just princesses though, I am thinking old school "Faerie Tale Theatre." I loved every episode! Cinderella, Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, those are easy to incorporate. The Dancing Princesses, The Princess Who Never Laughed (my personal favorite), The Princess and the Pea, those I get to flex my creative muscles.

Operation: Nursery will now be called Operation: Princess. It will not just include a paint job, but very detailed and precise work in sewing, stenciling, canvases, stained glass, and woodworking. It has definitely taken on a life of it's own!

I got the fabric last night. And wouldn't you know it, they had exactly 8 yards on the bolt; the exact amount I needed. It's fate, or dumb luck. Either way, I have fabric! I am now waiting VERY IMPATIENTLY patiently for the castle panel to get here. If Britches cooperates, I will start on the princesses who will live in this
enchanted castle. Tater reminded me that I need to finish his Easter basket (and start on his sister's) so my
ridiculously long sewing to do list is growing.

I also made a few other princess related purchases. They had a fantastic sale and Grizzly was with me (more importantly Grizzly's debit card was with me). First, a pumpkin carriage! Every self respecting princess must ride in a carriage that began it's life as a pumpkin. This one is simply a decoration, but still perfectly necessary. Second, a crown frame. Small touches, but I think they will add to the fairytale feel. Third, stencil paint. I am excited about this one. I found pink, blue, green, yellow, and gold. The gold is sparkly, can you tell I am excited? Now I can stencil adorable princesses, castles, and the like on her plain old boring walls.

I also have some ideas for the half a dozen canvases sitting in my living room. One will definitely be transformed into "The Princess and the Pea." I am not entirely sure how yet, but I do have some excellent plans of attack. Fingers crossed I can make progress today!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Fabric Conundrum...

I have the worst time making purchasing decisions. Especially with fabric! If I have a specific project in mind, I go back and forth between my choices. Then I question those choices, and add a few more. Eventually my original choices are not even in the mix, but I still can't make a final decision. Then I see my original fabrics again, and it's love. So I should have learned by now to go with my first thought and just impulse buy. No such luck.

I am currently trying to decide between several fabrics for my daughters bedroom. I was very ill during my pregnancy, so I didn't get to set up a beautiful nursery like the other moms. I am trying give her a beautiful room now though. I was thinking something beautiful, without being uber-girly. Absolutely no princesses... That went out the window.

The current idea for her room started when my mom reminded me of a dollhouse she made for me as a little girl. It was a fabric panel with Velcro people, my mom is super crafty. I absolutely loved it! After her suggestion, I found a castle panel that would make a perfect curtain with the added bonus of playtime. I even found fabric with the perfect size little princesses. I only needed 1/3 of a yard, so it cost under $2.00 too! (Don't worry, a tutorial will magically appear after this project is finished)

Like I said, I had no intention of doing a princess room, but it fell into place after that. I ordered the castle, bought the princesses, painted the trim purple (because my hubby, mister grizzly mountain man doesn't like pink) a friend gave me some awesome wall decals and stencils that she used for her daughter's princess room, and I had a few decorations that would work. But what to do for the rest of the curtains, bedding, and other random fabric accessories?

The castle will work for the bottom of the closet curtain, but I need a top and a whole extra curtain. I have gone through every fabric site I can think of, and keep circling back to the same choices.

Originally I wanted this (pre-princess epiphany):

But then (post-princess epiphany) I wanted these:

Now I am just not sure what I want! I think I have looked at every princess/castle/fairy/enchanted forest/random fabric choice on the market. I have to make a decision... Will make a decision... Off to look at more fabric, I will keep you posted!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Diaper Stalking

The art/sport of stalking diaper stockings... Is insane. If you have never taken part, stay away! They are incredibly addicting. If you don't understand the lingo here, let me give you a crash course. WAHMs are "work at home moms." These WAHMs can do anything and everything. One subset of WAHMs makes diapers. Not just any diapers, super cute expensive diapers. Most of them stock their stores once a week or so. Because these diapers are in such high demand, you have to stalk their stocking. You do this by hitting refresh, refresh, refresh! Sorry I got distracted by the refreshing...

Anyway, you must hit every .05 seconds until the diaper is listed for sale. Chances are if it is a highly sought after WAHM, you aren't going to get it. After one too many defeats, fluffy moms (meaning cloth diaper moms) snap. They lose it and lose their minds. This is when they call in reinforcements. This is done by begging, pleading, and trading favors with other fluffy moms. Pretty much anything short of trading your first born--which would be hilarious because that would defeat the purpose of the diaper! These armies have one purpose, and only one purpose--to get that diaper! I have only enlisted an army once, though I have helped others many times. Mine was completely necessary. Again, wink. It was for the Zoey diaper. My beautiful new daughter is Zoey, so I just had to get it. And I did. Insert smirk here...

I am in the midst of the craziest stocking I have participated in, the infamous Goodmama. I know, you seasoned Goodmama mamas are thinking I am crazy typing while stalking. I am killing time waiting for stragglers. I have no intention of buying a diaper, but I just had to see what all the fuss was about. Luckily I found a pre-loved one earlier this week, so I can even test them without having to go loco during a stocking.

After observing the crazy fluffy moms on Goodmama's site, I hopped over to Kanga-care. Rump-a-rooz was having a sale. Those mamas were just as crazy! Then the site crashed, chaos ensued, it was what I imagine as the apocalypse. One comment on their facebook wall said it all, "We, the overzealous bargain-hunting fluffy moms have officially broken the internet."

I have stalked my fair share of diapers, and won more than I'd like to admit to my husband. Wink, wink (he sees them all eventually, and really does support my addiction cloth diapering). I get excited about diapers, I have even planned my afternoon around which WAHMs were stalking, only once or twice... But I am continually amazed by the strange and oddest of creatures: the fluffy mom.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Oil Cleansing Method

Do you have sensitive skin? Prone to break-outs? Sick of paying trying different facial soaps? I have had plenty of issues with soap, especially if it comes anywhere near my redheaded, florescent white super fair, sensitive face. Enter OCM: Oil Cleansing Method. I have heard a lot of crunchy moms talk about this method for a long time. There is of course some science behind it, that definitely makes sense. The selling point for me was how much everyone raved about it, and I am not allergic to any of the ingredients! That is very hard for me to find.

A quick summary of the science portion is this: OCM uses the principle that "oil dissolves oil." Castor oil is your base oil (cleansing agent), and you add a secondary (moisturizing/other) oil to it. I like about 40% castor oil and 60% sweet almond oil (EVOO works well too). If you have oily skin, use more castor oil. For dry skin, use more of your other oil. Many, many different combinations and oils can be used.

The method (this is just how I do it, so don't hold me accountable if you don't like it): Gently massage a pea size amount into your skin. Do this for a while... Once you have thoroughly gooified (I am making up words today, go with it) your face, get a washcloth as hot as you can comfortably keep on your skin. This is the steaming portion of our routine. Keep it on there a until it feels room temperature again, then repeat. You need a good 3-4 times of "steaming" your face to get the oil off. Gently rub any icky goo from your pores away. Rinse. Then splash some cold water on your face to close up those pores and you're good to go!

For more info, this link is very helpful:

It works! A totally natural, chemical free facial cleanser. I do this once a day, and my skin is so soft and supple. My hubby won't complain about the cost either! So go raid the medicine cabinet and the kitchen cupboards, and wash your face.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Crunchy Side

Crunchy is the new way to describe someone who likes to do things the natural way. There is a whole spectrum ranging from crunchy to silky (crispy seems to be somewhere in the middle). I definitely fall on the crunchy side. Thankfully my husband puts up with enjoys being slightly crunchy too. He fits more in the survivalist category, but the point is we mesh. I want to grow a garden, he is all for not relying on the chain stores for food. I want to make candles for some light around the house, he goes on a rant about "the man" (not sure where that one cam from). I mention a dislike for being in a populated area, he starts searching for a cabin in the middle of no where (he's slightly anti-social, wink). I want to cloth diaper the kids, well, this one is mostly about money for him. Either way, it works.

In today's economy, it seems like many people are going towards the crunchy side when it suits them to save money. That is a fantastic bonus, but there is more to it than that. Cloth diapers for example, are great for saving money (as long as you can resist WAHMs), but they are even better for your baby's bum. The chemicals in sposies these days are horrific. Looking at any birth board or mom group, there will be questions about rashes and chemical burns from diapers. Chemical burns from diapers! I consider cloth much safer. I knew I never wanted to use sposies again after my beautiful new baby was in the hospital for 2 weeks using sposies, and her bottom bled. Since being in cloth, she hasn't even had a hint of redness.

Personal hygiene products are another awesome crunchy area! They are so much healthier and save money too. My latest adventures in this area include OCM (oil cleansing method) and no poo (no shampoo). Now before you scoff at my methods, listen to the logic. Our bodies make natural oils. Most of us can get by without chemical products as long as we aren't constantly throwing our bodies out of whack. OCM includes using oils to gently cleanse your face, it works wonderfully for me (so far). No poo is similar. It includes using natural products to wash your hair, working your way to totally natural, plain old water. I'll talk about both of these more later, but they save a fortune in traditional products and work better. I call that a win-win. (Another area hubby totally supports for the $)

There are opportunities to go crunchy in every aspect of our lives. Whether it's using vinegar instead of a chemical cleaner, or no poo'ing, cloth diapering, cooking organic from scratch, gardening, making candles, etc. it is definitely better for my family. I will be exploring more crunchy ways in the weeks to come.

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