Welcome! Hippie skirts and Harleys essentially explains my life. I am the hippie mom who likes to do a lot of things the natural way, and hippie skirts tend to be my favorite wardrobe item. Harleys is pretty self explanatory. My husband and I love to get on the bike and just go. Some people would consider us strange, but we're just us...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Dress Form

Here was the short, yet wonderful conversation:
Me: I want NEED a body double to stick pins in!
Grizzly: Sigh... Go ahead and order the dress form.
Me: (Hesitantly) Are you sure?
Grizzly: I said yes didn't I...

Most men would think I was crazy and not have a clue what I was blabbering about, but my wonderfully enabling husband actually gets it. Or at least pretends to.

I like to sew. It is an constructive hobby, I do make some money with it, and it can save us money. Ok, it does save money, but not necessarily a lot because I am a complete fabric-oholic. I love my fabric stash!

Anyway, Grizzly is the best man in a wedding at the end of the month. I got the hair-brained idea stuck in my head to make my dress. I have several "good" reasons for wanting to do this:

1. I want to. Simple reason, but it is enough for me.

2. I have had crazy inspiration lately and it is a great experiment. I don't think that Grizzly would be fond of me making the elaborate wedding gown that I have in my head (unless he feels like selling me off to the highest bidder that day--could happen), so I'll play with this instead.

3. Nothing fits me and I despise shopping. I guess "nothing fits me" isn't entirely accurate, but I had a baby 7 months ago, I am breastfeeding, and recovering from a serious illness. My body is not in it's normal shape, nothing even resembling its normal form. My body has seriously been through hell, so I am fine with this--for the time being....

4. To see if I can do it. I love Project Runway. I am not the typical "I watched Project Runway so now I can go design a fashion line" type woman. I sew already, so that is a big help. I am also not looking for high fashion. I am looking for something to flatter my curves. What better way than to design and fit it for my body. Not nearly as easy as it sounds...

Because of this, I decided I needed a dress form. I really didn't want to spend a fortune on one. I found one on Craigslist, but it was gone before I could commit (we all have our issues, committing to purchases is one of mine). My mom helped me attempt a duct tape dress form. That was a no go, even though it really works for some people. My guess is those people don't have a screaming infant who freaks out when her source of nutrition is being wrapped in duct tape. Just a guess... (She was just hungry, but that sounds better)

Thankfully Grizzly was in a highly accommodating
mood during the afore mentioned conversation. Love you honey!

I have had a dozen different designs for this dress in my head. I have finally landed on one, but I assure you it will evolve. They always do. My mom showed me a beautiful dress that I will be taking a lot of inspiration from. It is a beautifully draped greek goddess inspired frock. I think it should flatter my statuesque (aka nursing boobs and child-bearing hips) figure.

I decided on a maroon/burgundy type color. This could also change halfway through, so we shall see. Now the dress form and fabrics are ordered! Keep your fingers crossed for me, and wish me luck. I am definitely going to need it!

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