Welcome! Hippie skirts and Harleys essentially explains my life. I am the hippie mom who likes to do a lot of things the natural way, and hippie skirts tend to be my favorite wardrobe item. Harleys is pretty self explanatory. My husband and I love to get on the bike and just go. Some people would consider us strange, but we're just us...

Friday, March 25, 2011


This was my first diaper for the day. I am getting closer to my design, still not there though. This might take a while. I do love the little snowflake butt. This is not my point, so moving on...

Later, Britches was wearing her Zeppelin and Guns 'N Roses diapers. My little girl rocks, hehe. She WILL know the classics, just like Tater. Anyway, onto my thought process from tonight. Both of those diapers are made out of t-shirts. T-shirts... Wheels are grinding! Grizzly has a million and one shirts that don't fit around his... Arms, we'll go with arms. So I could chop up the ones with fun designs for diapers. At least the child appropriate designs. I have been scavenging for materials around the house already, so this works great.

Next thought process... A friend of mine found out she is having a little boy today. Which is awesome for her and her hubby. Another friend mentioned that preggo friend would really like a Beatles diaper. I looked at some material, but wasn't thrilled. I am getting one yard of fabric I liked, but I didn't feel the "Aha!" moment. The search continued. Britches was dream-nursing, so I had some internet time to kill. Then it dawned on me (again), t-shirts! Google to the rescue and I found a bunch of shirts I loved with The Beatles on them. Most were a touch too expensive, but then I found one that I think I can make work.

Of course I had to test this theory, so I dove into the closet. I didn't find the shirts I had in mind, but I found one with roughly the right dimensions. So what was a t-shirt a couple hours ago, is now a diaper. I can't wait to try it on Britches! I would mostly call it a success. It's ugly, at least the finishing work is, but it works!

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